Items tagged

Spot the Case (at our book launch)
How many famous law cases can you spot in our book-launch day postcard? Stephen Eccles turns his artistic eye towards an attic full of legal precedents.

Brexit: The Comic Strip
See the Brexit soap opera explained and ‘brought alive’ in visual form for the second edition of Routledge's Insider's Guide To Legal Skills.

Mountains of Metaphor
This illustrated interactive map is a representation of metaphors and mental models grown out of Clare Williams's journey to complete her PhD against great odds.

Carlil & Carbolic
Hannah Palmer brings a welcome visual dimension to remembering case law in her comprehensive revision and testing materials.

The Leducate Consent Project
Leducate is a charity that teaches everyday legal rights to teenagers. Emily Allbon helps create teaching materials for a class on dating and consent.

Lecture Strategy
Cristina offers some video instruction on how to get the most from lectures, covering pre-, mid-, and post-lecture phases.

School vs University
A colourful illustration of the basic differences between studying for school and university, made with ready-to-hand tools.

Visualising Tenants’ Rights
From a series of visualisation projects that aim to communicate legal obligations and community information in accessible ways.

Fitting all the key cases of one aspect of the law of mortgages into a single revision page? Challenge accepted!

A day in Coltsfoot Vale
Coltsfoot vale is a happy place but its residents are having more than their fair share of legal disputes. Explore the interactive map and try and figure out answers to their land-law problems.

A Snail's Tale
OUP competition winner Rahaf Ramdhan tackles every law student's favourite tort case in this Flipaclip animation.

How the City Law School visually explained their new essay marking criteria in just one page.

Cameron's story
Engaging the people of the UK with human rights issues is what drives barrister Adam Wagner.

Mandatory minimums
From a series of animated videos highlighting deep injustices in the system and emphasizing the role of district attorneys in stifling or encouraging reform.

A Gift for the Inland Revenue
This comic representation of the leading English trusts law case, drawn by our Legal Design Sprint winner, shows the titles as coloured presents and wraps everything up in just one page!

The Body of Law
Back in 2016 I attended Isobel’s superb exhibition, The Body of Law, held at Senate House in London, as part of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies’ public engagement programme that explores and promotes the humanity of law.

The Supreme Court: A Guide for Bears
You can’t escape the probing gaze of a judge – or of a teddy bear, particularly in the UK Supreme Court café!

The Co-Ownership Explainer
Confused by co-ownership? Confounded by constructive trusts? Take a look at our double-sided explainer to find out the principles and see what happened in the two biggest cases.

A History of Equity in Land Law
Lords, war, unscrupulous friends and betrayed families — Find out more about why equity is pivotal to the development of land law in this one-page comic.

Getting what you want from emails
This animated video on email etiquette shows how you can make dull advice a little more engaging, with just limited artistic and technical know-how.

Measuring up school
This beautifully designed booklet for students and their families helps them navigate disciplinary proceedings, learn about their rights, and advocate for better disciplinary policies.

Sticky Tricky Law
Dreamed up after doodling an explanation of the Article 50 Miller decision for friends with a pack of post-it notes, StickyTrickyLaw is an online legal education project, published on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Jenny & Jade's Cards of Much Negligence
It’s getting close to revision time. How do you get all those notes you’ve been making into your head? Visual revision cards are a tried and tested way of helping things stick.

The Non-Fatal Offences Chatterbox
Old-skool playground toy becomes law revision tool! Test your understanding of non-fatal offences like assault and battery with this brilliant fortune teller.

Absolute rights
A symbolic representation of the absolute rights which aim to protect the human being against deprivation of life and ensure the protection of their dignity and liberty.