A History of Equity in Land Law


by Nathan Webb and Emily Allbon.

Lords, war, unscrupulous friends and betrayed families — Find out more about why equity is pivotal to the development of land law in this one-page comic.

Bus replacement service. A trio of words that can plunge any English person into a deep depression, particularly those of us on Great Western. However, I met my illustrator Nathan on one coming back from London late one night. I found out he was an illustrator of graphic novels and comics and the rest is history…. Talking to strangers sometimes works out!


Understanding why equity is important to a study of land law is vital and requires students to get a grip on some history. Students often skip over this introductory stuff in the textbook and I wanted to see if we could capture the essence of it pictorially to give them a foothold in the material.


Emily provided me with a script storyboard. My first step is to read through this, then reread it whilst making notes. I checked with her on anything I was unsure of (best to do this checking with the editor ASAP). The next step in the process for me is drawing character designs for everyone in the comic strip.

I then draw the strip three times, the first time being a rough thumbnail sketch. The second time is A4 and fairly neat, then I photo copy it and enlarge it to 150%. I’ll then trace onto high quality cartridge paper using a lightbox. Once the comic is traced I’ll then go over the lines in black ink with a brush quill pen.

The final stage is scan the A3 page into my computer to colour and add text in Photoshop.


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